Reopen Kensington Palace Gardens

In June, the Crown Estate unexpectedly closed Kensington Palace Gardens to cyclists and pedestrians. 

Kensington Palace Gardens has long served as a vital north-south link for cyclists and pedestrians between Notting Hill Gate and High Street Kensington.
The closure, reportedly due to several "near misses," has forced people to use busier, less safe roads, increasing the risk of accidents.

That's why I'm calling on the Crown Estate to reopen Kensington Palace Gardens to cyclists and pedestrians. 

Many of your neighbours are backing the campaign to put pressure on the Crown Estate to reopen this crucial route - so why not join them? 

Click here to sign the petition or fill in the form below.

I've written to the Crown Estate to express my concern over their decision to close Kensington Palace Gardens. We need to maintain access to this route for the community so I've requested a meeting with the Crown Estate to explore solutions. 

Reopen Kensington Palace Gardens to pedestrians and cyclists

We, the undersigned, call on the Crown Estate to immediately reopen Kensington Palace Gardens to pedestrians and cyclists.